Fudge It Dave September 30, 2013 Blogs, Sweary Sweary! We need your PC! Outsourced database dudes need to access it remotely and fiddle its diddles for half an hour.
BabyBatman – Why must we fall? Dave September 30, 2013 BabyBatman, Blogs Before Year One, there was Pre-school...see what happens today to BabyBatman
21 Questions with Danny Mad Hatters Dave September 27, 2013 21 Questions, Blogs Butts or Boobies? Boobs in lingerie.
How To Act In Social Situations : Step 4 Dave September 27, 2013 Blogs, How To Act In Social Situations Child Actors M = Macaulay Culkin (Home Alone 1 & 2) A = Alex D. Linz (Home Alone 3) A: Look at the state of us M: Excuse me? A: No offence, but really, we look awful M: Eh,...