So here we are at the end of week four. Bye bye January! Or should I say Sayonara considering that so far 50% of my blogs have been related to Japan.


You might be thinking “Origami? Surely she can do better than that.” Well I can. But this week I decided to take it easy with Origami for three reasons.

1) I didn’t want you all to lose sight of what this blog was about. It’s about all the things I wanted to achieve in this year….with some crazy shit and suggestions thrown in. So just a warning, some weeks will be pretty laid back.I know a lot of people are thinking. “Chopsticks, Rubix Cube, Balloon animals…. Crocodile wrestling!!!!” But don’t worry theres some cool shit to come. (ps. Does anyone know any trained crocodile wrestlers?)

2) I was tired


So anyway, when we were in Transition year we took a few classes in Japanese where students could learn basic origami as well as the basics of the language. But if you’ve known me a long time, you’ll know that I only ever made it to one of those classes because I was a lazy lazy student who was no doubt in bed or in the art room at the time. But in that one class I did learn to count to 5 in japanese which was pretty nifty.

Youtube was my teacher this week and a fine teacher it was too. Here are my talents in picture form.

The stars or NINJA DEATH STARS as i like to call them are the coolest thing to make. The edges hurt people. Its fun! I learned to make a frog and a heart and a rocket but due to technical difficulties this week I will not be able to show you just yet. All in all I loved origami, its actually quite a relaxing thing to do. But now where ever i see a scrap of paper i have a strong urge to turn it into  a bird. Suppose it could be worse.

Now everyone, I realise this weeks blog is not rivetting but theres a ninja death star presented in an origami giftbox for everyone who reads this and requests one.

Week 4: Basic Origami……HAI!!!!!!!

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