#AnnoysRoy Dave October 9, 2014 Blogs So this week Roy Keane has been making waves in the media. Most of it is all about football, however some of it is him just venting. This is nice to...
Irish Mega News Anocht – A Message from The Anocht Party Dave October 3, 2014 Irish Mega News Anocht, Videos Please make sure to follow the guys on Facebook here, Twitter here and check out their videos again on our...
Lexicolatry – Detective Dave October 2, 2014 Lexicolatry What Are Some Other Terms for 'Detective'? The Man Himself. (photo by Dynamosquito) DETECTIVE Adjective & noun....
Miranda Hart and Sarah Millican named highest-selling female comedians Dave October 2, 2014 Blogs, news Miranda Hart and Sarah Millican named highest-selling female comedians The birthplace of X-rated comedian Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown has grown a little...