Steve Bennett named best newcomer Dave April 15, 2014 across the pond, news Congrats to Steve Bennett who has been named best newcomer by the WeGotTickets Musical Comedy Awards. The overall winner will be crowned at the...
Irish Comedy ‘How To Be Happy’ Wins US Award Dave April 15, 2014 across the pond, news The Irish comedy feature 'How to be Happy', starring Brian Gleeson, has won the Best...
What happened to these? Dave February 24, 2014 Blogs Over a few beers this weekend, by a few we mean whilst drunk...we thought of Pogs. What happened to those little discs of fun? We then rememeberd...
The Walshes Dave February 23, 2014 Blogs We are thrilled to see that the Walshes will be coming to a TV near you. comedy, irish comedy, tv,...