
Falling asleep in class


Location: A lecture

Fred: the part of your brain that wants to sleep

Martha: the part that really wants you to stay awake


F: Mmm, I wonder what space looks like a night and…zzz


F: Jesus, no need to shout! We just jumped out of our skin.

M: Do you even realise how important this class is? You haven’t even got your A4 pad out, did you remember your pen this morning?

F: Eh, yea. Of course. Who’s stupid enough to forget their…oh, I don’t have a pen.

M: Typical, well sit there and listen with all your might

F: Ok, hmm the definition of that is…I wonder whether Miss. Trunchbull ever actually killed any kids cause she threw them really hard and…zzz

M: What are you doing? Do you want us to stay here all summer and repeat?

F: No

M: No we don’t

F: Sorry. I’ll listen now. I will.

M: I don’t trust you. Shake a bit first, to wake up.

F: Shake? How am I suppose to shake a bit in the middle of class without everyone wondering what I’m doing?

M: Just do it smoothly. Turn it into a stretch

F: Like this?

M: Yes, reach over, shake your head a bit. I said a bit! Stop, stop shaking. Now everyone is looking.

F: Sorry, I got too into it

M: And you wonder why we’re single

F: Hey, that is a lifestyle choice!

M: Just be quiet and listen to the nice lecture man.

F: Right, so a socialist society would mean that…pop it, lock it, poka-dot it, countrified then hip-hop it…zzz

M: How do you know so much of that song?

F:…what what? I mean, I’m awake, I’m kicking, I’m ready to rock this class

M: What class is this?

F: Politics?

M: -silence-

F: Critical thinking?

M: -silence-

F: That isn’t a subject, is it?

M: -silence-

F: I’m trying, I am. Please don’t do that silent treatment. I hate that. Can we watch Bandslam later?

M: I’m not talking to you

F: I’m sorry. I’ll listen now. I will

M: Promise?

F: Promise!

M: Ok, there’s ten minutes left of class, if we borrow a pen off someone maybe it won’t have been a complete waste.

F: Great. Woo! Listening. Listening in class. Listening in class is fun. I love learning. Doo doo doo. Papa don’t preach, I’ve been loosing sleep…mmm…sleep…zzz

M: If he even thinks he’s watching a bit of Bandslam later he has another thing coming


Munchies after the club



Location: A well lit, kebab providing establishment placed strategically between you and your taxi home

Don’t, I repeat DON’T even enter these premises without being incredibly intoxicated. The kind of intoxication that would result in you ending up in a ditch if you attempted to drive, even though there are no ditches on the route home. You are just so drunk you would somehow find a ditch to drive into, if someone as drunk as you let you drive. Like your blood is almost turning into three Corona’s for a €10. That is the level I am talking about. Otherwise you will immediately regret your cuisine decision once you have that faithful first bite. Old, dripping meat carved off a miniature version on a stripper pole doesn’t taste that good when you are sober enough to recall you past three drinks.

Upon entering the premises, if you are not of the rich variety, it is very likely that you will begin a debate in your head about whether to spend your taxi fare on chips because, quite frankly, what is a burger without cheese and garlic fries on the side? A mere starter. Not the meal that you deserve after all that effort you exuded drinking so much. How many times did you walk to and from the bar and your seat? Millions of times, almost a mini marathon, no wonder you are starving! However tempting it may seem though, don’t give into this temptation. Home may seem like only around the corner, a “quick stroll sure,” it’s NOT and the minute you start sobering up is the minute you will realise you are ten miles from home and hungry again.

When waiting in the queue make sure to practice saying your order a few times under your breath because even though they are very used to it, the people working there still haven’t mastered the art of slur language. “Chick birder and chez wid Die die Cook” (Chicken burger with cheese with Diet Coke) will only get you a bemused expression which can be intimidating and will really just ruin your whole dining experience since in that kind of state any negativity towards you becomes the main topic of conversation. You will spend so much time bitching about the cold stare the person at the till gave you to the other members of the queue that you will be continually skipped and there is a huge possibility of your food being stolen.

Now, most importantly the minute you get that food, head for the hills. Jump, skip and trip straight into the nearest taxi (usually found well past Christ Church). Ever wonder where those strange numbers in your phone of people who you are sure you have never met before in your life come from? They came from those times that you sat down at 3am and ate your food on the premises. It’s like a speed dating session but with friendship instead of romantic intent at the back of these fake-meat shops. You all bond over your mutual love of alcohol and the type of food that starts to jellify the minute it is exposed the oxygen. By the time you are half way through your meal you’ve already arranged group cinema outings and a night out in Citibar.

No, no, no. Go home in a nice taxi. Don’t be tempted by the sweet, sticky smell creeping from the hot, brown paper bag on your lap. Run into your room, get into bed, set up the newly downloaded episodes of Hey Arnold! on your laptop and relish every bite (approx 4 bites, max).

When you wake up with lettuce stuck with mayo to various parts of your body, when you find a slice of onion two weeks later in your pillow case or when your friends come around and judge you on the suspicious stains on your sheet; you won’t mind because you will know it was all worth it.




Putting on weight


Lies to tell yourself to make you feel better about the whole situation

  1. Snickers are actually really good for you, cause of all the nuts.
  2. I’ll start tomorrow because today was official eat butter on everything day, which is a family tradition I can’t break or I’ll end up in an arranged marriage.
  3. I’m turning Vegan on Monday so I have to eat as many quarter pounders as possible so I don’t get cravings next week.
  4. I’m single so therefore allowed to eat any amount of chocolate at any time of the day or night, have you not seen the Galaxy ads?
  5. I ate Special K for breakfast and therefore I won’t get fat from anything I eat after that.
  6. Most of my weight is actually my arms, like look how long they are.
  7. Most of my weight is actually my hair, like look how long it is.
  8. Celebrities have personal trainers so I’m never going to look like them. I might as well eat this whole box of biscuits and wallow.
  9. I’m just really bloated because I drunk nearly a whole bottle of water today.
  10. I’m not fat; when I eat with a giant knife and fork I actually look nearly anorexic.

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